Welcome to the Health Poverty Index (HPI) 2008 visualisation tool
Welcome to the HPI visualisation tool, a collaboration between the Department of Geography and Geosciences, University of St Andrews, the South East Public Health Observatory (SEPHO), and Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI), which is sponsored by The NHS Information Centre for health and social care and previously by the Department of Health.
Use the links above to navigate round the site. Please look at the Demo page for information on how to use the site, the Indicators page for information on the datasets, and the Background page for information on the project. Go to the HPI Tool page to begin using the tool by choosing areas for which you wish to view information. Once you have selected your areas you can view the data in a variety of formats. A good starting point will be the HPI work book, it will take you, step-by-step, through some example analyses.
The NHS Information Centre no longer supports the Health Poverty Index (HPI) website. St Andrews University will continue to support this website and respond to queries until March 2012 but there will be no additional updates or developments during this period.
Please note that the methodology/indicators for the HPI have not been reviewed in recent years and that the last update of the Index was in November 2008 with data from 2005.
Each indicator in the HPI 2008 is scaled with reference to scores across all the groups being compared. If two LAs are being compared, they are scaled with reference to all LAs across all time points. This is different from the HPI 2005, where this data would have been scaled to all LAs and all ethnic groups in LAs across all time points. This method of scaling is retained for ethnic group comparisons where if two ethnic groups are being compared then the indicators are scaled across all ethnic groups in all LAs at all time points.